Test Generator’s features represent years of customer feedback and suggestions. Individuals like you who want to make sure their testing application covers the basics, but that also has enough umph to handle a variety of testing requirements. So as long as our customers continue to ask for more and better, we’ll continue to tweak and improve.
Test Generator's Question Bank module is a repository for questions. Test authors can create, store and manage one or many question banks.
Question banks can by organized by subject, objective, level of difficulty, grade and question type - any classification system they choose.
Questions can be created directly in a question bank, imported from a test or imported from one question bank to another. Test Generator's Test Wizard can streamline the test creation process by randomly selecting questions from one or more question banks, generating a test in minutes.
Choose from 125+ test properties. You can keep it simple or you can add from a long list of test behaviors including Pre-, Test and Post-test features. You can experiment until you find the right combination of features and then publish whenever you’re ready. Need different test properties for different audiences? Not a problem, you can create one or multiple test templates and choose different behaviors tailored to each audience.
Test Generator’s security policies and permissions were designed knowing how vitally important it is for you to protect your test content. No one gets in unless you, the test administrator, allow it.
We understand how vitally important it is for you to protect your test content. So we’ve implemented security policies and permissions that enable test administrators to easily manage access. While no one can absolutely guarantee that cheaters won’t cheat, TG is designed to make cheating really difficult.
Users must have login credentials, tests can’t be taken until they are published by the test administrator. Access to tests can be further restricted by requiring the presence of a proctor login. Need more? We also offer SecureTG, a special browser option that locks down the testing experience and prevents the test taker from accessing any other application.
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TG's Media module is a repository for everything from .jpg" to .txt files.
These files can be imported and stored in folders organized under the Media module. You can organize media in one or multiple media folders by file type, subject or whatever category suits your requirements.
Imported media can be used with any of TG’s question types. This makes it possible to use the same media file with different questions in the same test or with various questions in multiple tests located in the same, or different, courses. Learn More
When we use the term test, we are also referring to computerized, online assessments, exams, quizzes, papers or surveys.
In TG, feedback refers to a test-specific response behavior defined by the test author.This behavior can take several forms and may be delivered before, during or after the test is submitted for grading. Feedback is optional and can be customized per test.
Feedback can be question-specific and take the form of text, media or a url reference. Pre- and post-test behaviors can be customized per test.
There isn’t an activity in TG’s testing system that test administrators don’t control or influence.
Ranging from the creation and organization of courses and question banks, creating tests, defining test behaviors, adding users, enabling user profiles and permissions, activating, reviewing and publishing tests to viewing, exporting or printing reports.
No coding required. Choose from any of TG’s 11+ question types. Manually type in your questions and answers or cut-and-paste from a TG-friendly RTF or text file, or using a TG-friendly .csv, .xls, .txt or .xml format, import your questions directly into TG’s question banks. Customize one template for all of your test takers, or customize multiple test templates for different audiences.
Whether creating tests, exams, assessments, papers, quizzes or surveys, Test Generator enables test authors to apply a range of randomization options to a test.
These settings can define the number, order and grouping of questions presented in a computer-based test. These setting can also be applied to the printing of randomized tests. Learn More
Test Generator Options designed to enhance your test delivery choices. Options include: SecureTG, AD/LDAP, Admin Dashboard, TG Scan and SCORM 1.2. Admin Dashboard, SecureTG and SCORM 1.2 are primarily TG Web modules. AD/LDAP can be used with TG LAN and Web, and TG Scan can be used with TG Desktop, LAN or Web. Learn More