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Test Generator's Online Testing Options
SecureTG | AD/LDAP | TG ADMIN | SCORM 1.2 | TGScan

Your Online Testing Toolkit

Enabling test administrators to * Deliver tests securely, * Authenticate users, * Access online dashboard, * Publish to an LMS or * Scan and grade paper tests.


This web-based add-on module locks down the testing event on an individual computer. It treats the screen as a kiosk, disabling the CTRL, ALT and Print Screen keys. The test taker can neither minimize nor close the browser window. SecureTG is ideal for high-stakes certification testing.  Learn More


SCORM 1.2 

Shareable Content Object Reference Model -- allows you to publish tests that can be accessed through an LMS (learning management system)


Active Directory/Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is designed to enable and manage user authentication and security.

AD/LDAP is ideal for customers who want to integrate TG into their AD/LDAP authentications system. Learn More

TG Admin Dashboard

TGDashboard is a browser-based reporting tool that enables test administrator/authors to log in to their TG Web account and view, print or export Course, Test and Test Taker data.  In addition, test administrators can create, save and retrieve queries on an as-needed basis.  Learn More

TG Scan

TG Scan is ideal for customers who cannot offer testing on a computer, or who need to be able to deliver online tests as well as paper-and-pencil tests.

Print a test > provide test takers with a TG answer sheet > the test taker marks the TG answer sheet > the test author scans and automatically grades the scanned answer sheet using TG Scan.
  Learn More