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Updates / Upgrades
Test Generator Development 

Audience: TG Desktop, TG LAN and TG Web customers
New Version and ReleaseTG2.4.20_r2021010400

Previous Versions: TG2.4.20_2018021300, 2016112700, r2016081000
Please contact us to request documentation.

About Updates 

Customers who have an active support subscription are eligible to receive 2.4.# updates.

Update Frequency: On average, updates/patches are released every six to eight weeks.  They may include bug fixes as well as new or enhanced features.  These changes may apply to Test Generator, TG Reports, Tester or TG plug-ins.

These updates are highly recommended if your TG version is older than TG2.4.15.  If your current version is TG2.4.15, updates are optional.  New-release announcements are published in our newsletter, email blasts or through individual customer follow-ups.

Your Version and Release 

To view your current version/release, open TG to the login screen and run your cursor over the Help (?) button to display a tool tip version # and release. 

test generator version and release
The version and release numbers can also be found under TG's Help > About Test Generator menu.

Update / Upgrade Policy

The transition from TG2.4.16, to TG2.4.20 has been fairly rapid and driven by customer requests for new or modified features/behaviors.  Changes in the version number reflect modifications to TG's database structure.  Updates that do not involve a change in the database are treated as releases.

Update/Upgrade Policy:  Customers who have support subscriptions are eligible to receive updates.

For a detailed explanation of our Update and Upgrade policies:  Learn More