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Test Genator Best Practices
A Guide to Better Test Making


To help ensure that your TG experience is a positive and productive one, we’ve assembled a list of best practices for your review.  

The complete Test Generator Best Practices Tutorial is available here. If you are unable to access the tutorial from the download site, please contact us.


New customers or customer team members who are new to Test Generator—we recommend reviewing the entire document.  Intermediate to advanced users may wish to scan the document and use it as a general reference.

Prerequisites: you... 

  • Have participated in an online demo.
  • Have TG installed on your computer
  • Can log in to TG's home page.
  • Have reviewed the Tutorials page

The complete Test Generator Best Practices Tutorial is available here.


Once you’re comfortable with the basics, we recommend reviewing the online recording of your first training session.  Another good resource is the TG Help topic, "Question Banks" and the related sub-topics—recommended reading.  

Question banking may not be for everyone; its use is optional, but HIGHLY recommended. 

It will enable you to streamline your test creation process and take advantage of certain features and reports that are only available if you use question banks.

Tutorial Excerpt

Question banks should be thought of as containers for "known, good questions".  Therefore, it's important to review the items in your question banks: check for spelling, grammar, technical accuracy and clarity.  Creating a good test item is both a science and an art.  If you need help, there are many excellent resources available on the internet.  

Adding Items

You can use any of the following methods to add items to your question banks.  You can:

1- Create items manually by typing in your question and answer text

2- Cut-and-paste text from an existing electronic file, ideally a text-only file

The complete Test Generator Best Practices Tutorial is available here.