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Test Generator Properties
Printing Tests


Printing Tests and More... 

If you only want to print tests, no problem--create and print as many as you wish. 
Need to print tests sometimes but also need to give tests online, no problem--do both whenever you want.  If you are limited to printing tests now because you don't have enough computers available to test online, we get it. 

Whenever you are able to test online, we can upgrade your TG system--question banks, tests, all of it--to run over your intranet or over the internet: saves time, tests are graded automatically, and your test data is securely stored and accessible by you whenever you need to view, print or export reports.

Printing a Test and Test Key

  • Printing a test and test key for traditional "paper and pencil" tests.
  • Printing a test to share with other test authors/administrative-level users.
  • Printing test/test key reference copies for filing.
  • Printing/sharing tests with teacher/trainer colleagues who do not use TG.
  • Print Test Options
  • From within an existing test, print the questions, the key or questions and key.

Scan and Grade Your Tests

TG Scan facilitates importing test answer-sheet data into TG’s database. TG Scan is ideal for customers who cannot offer testing on a computer. Print a test > provide test takers with a TG answer sheet > the test taker marks the TG answer sheet > the test author scans and automatically grades the scanned answer sheet using TG Scan.  Learn More


From within the print preview window, tests can be exported as an rtf file and subsequently opened in any word processor for additional editing. 


Test authors have the added advantage of using TG's test randomization settings to create one or multiple randomized copies of a test and its corresponding test key.

Create one or more randomized test instances.  Each instance contains a unique ID which you can use to create an exact, randomized copy of the test.

You can save a test instance, open it in Word and then modify it however you wish.  Save the master file and print test copies whenever you need them.

Note: if you lose the template you can also generate a new copy of the test by plugging in the test's ID.


TG Reports Test Print Options  

Applying or using any of the following settings: test only, test key, test key and test or use simple test key format which print only the answer key--without the question stem or answer text.  

Print Template

Influences the display and output of the printed test.  Test authors have the option of using one or more print templates.  These print templates can be customized per test or a global print template can be applied to all of your tests. 

Test authors can create multiple print templates which can be imported per test